Tips for Spaghetti Squash Lovers

Do you love spaghetti squash? I do! I love it so many different ways.  But, let me tell you, those shells are tough! So tough that I always think twice before using them.

That is...until recently...while watching The Kitchen.  I got a great tip! You know that I love watching the foodies...and testing out their ideas, recipes, and tips...just to see if the average home cook can make them delicious.

Well, this tip was a winner...for the most part.....
The tip? Bake them whole first...hummm...Did you know that?

I can't get over how much easier the squash was to work with...
The only issue I found was getting all of the seeds out. The squash is hot and hard to handle.

On this particular day, I was stocking the I could let the squash cool down and then the handling of the squash and getting the seeds out was much easier. 

Yep! This was a great goes in the win column.


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