Veggie Sheet peeler/Sweet Potato Chip Recipe

My birthday gift this year was a popular kitchen mixer: A bright shiny red Kitchen Aide Mixer.  This gift came with a bread hook, a paddle mixer and a whisk. A Veggie Sheet Peeler attachment was added. 

The Veggie Sheet Peeler attachment was the item that I was most excited about; oh the endless options that were running through my mind.  I couldn't wait to get started. Grabbing veggies, I rushed to get busy making sheets of veggies deliciousness!

The Veggie Sheet Peeler came two blade, one for thinner cutting, and one for a thicker cut.  I selected the thinner blade for this first run.  The attachment was not hard to attach. It was, however, extremely sharp...I still have the wound several days later.

After trying several different foods, including summer squash and pears, I cam to the conclusion that the veggie/fruits need to be firm. The summer squash was too soft and the two squash just basically got wallowed out-No sheeting occured.  The pears were the same way, they were too ripe for this attachment. 

The sweet potatoes were firm enough to work well. 

The three sweet potatoes made an impressive amount of potato "sheeting", More than expected.                                 

Once I had all of these sweet potato sheets, I had to decide what to do with them.  
Ahhhh. Chips!

Next time to make Sweet Potato Chips, I am going to use the thicker peeler.

CONCLUSION: The veggie sheet peeler works very good. It is an item that I am sure I will be using frequently.

RECIPE for Sweet Potato Chips
Three medium size potatoes
Salt and pepper to taste
Olive oil

You will need a cookie cutter to cut out the chips if you use the peeler sheets.
You do not have to have this attachment to make really great sweet potato chips; you can slice them with a knife, or use a mandolin cutter.

Cut out all of your chips
Place on a cookie sheet that has a sheet of parchment paper on it.
Place your sweet potato chips on the cookie sheet
Brush each chip with a light coating of olive oil.
Salt and pepper to taste.

Bake in a pre-heated oven at 450 degree
40 minutes until crispy

Let them cool, place in a ziploc bag/they will last about a week


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